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Ap Theoung is a widow who is bringing up 5 children on her own. As you can see, the beaten shack that the family were living in was just way too run down to keep the weather out and with the rainy season about to start in Cambodia, its great timing. ❤️. So at least this family are able to keep safe and dry. Rice for Cambodia and the Shinta Mani Foundation have been working together for 2 and half years to help this family get back on their feet.

They receive a monthly food parcel, consisting of rice and sauces that adds to the food that they are able to buy to eat. Just recently they have received a small chicken farm through Rice for Cambodia supporters. So Ap Theoung will grow and sell her chickens and have some left over for her and her family to generate the next brood. Their home was donated by Andrew and Gill from Victoria, Australia. A life changing gift

Ap Theoung's accommodation before the house was built

Ap Theoung's accommodation before the house was built

Ap Theoung's House Ap Theoung's House2

House Build

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