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0418 545 699

Gift Certificates

Need a unique gift, complete the form below and we will email you a personalised gift certificate that you can print or email to someone special in your life.

Gift something truly valuable and help us assist
the villagers of Angkor Thom District, Siem Reap, transition to sustainable living.

Pair of Shoes - $12, Mozzie Net - $15,

Vegetable seeds - $20, Bicycle - $65,

Emergence Food Pack - $50, Water Well - $225

  • Gift a Bike


    Gift a bicycle to a child in a village in Cambodia, on your behalf. The bicycle will make it possible for this child to attend school, and will also be much needed transport for the whole family.
  • New Mother's Kit

    New Mum's Kit

    Buy your Mum something special this Mother’s Day. For $25 you can buy a new Mum in Cambodia a parcel of love. The kit includes baby clothes and blankets, a soft mattress for baby to sleep on. Baby bottles, soap to wash clothes, all in a bath to wash the new bub. The kits work as a reward for mums attending the health centre, increasing the safe delivery and care during pregnancy, labour and birth.
  • A Emergency family food pack

    Emergency Food Pack

    Gift an Emergency family food pack to a very needy family in Cambodia, on your behalf. Imagine the joy and excitement when this is delivered.
  • Mozzie Net

    Mozzie Net

    This is truly a life saving gift. Malaria and Dengue Fever are very prevalent during the wet season in Cambodia. With limited health care these diseases are treacherous to the people living in the villages. Your gift will be presented to a family in need by staff from the Shinta Mani Foundation.
  • Gift of a Water Well

    Water Well

    This gift will change absolutely everything for a family, when we provide a water well. Instead of having to carry water in buckets from afar, they can now drink, wash, cook and grow vegetables with so much more ease. Local villagers are employed to dig the wells and the Village leaders nominate the families most in need.
  • Gift of Vegie Seeds

    Vegetable Seeds

    $20 worth of vegetable seeds for a family to grow will enable a family to add nutritious food to their staple diet of rice. Shinta Mani Foundation monitor the progress of the gardens on our behalf.
  • Gift of Shoes

    Pair of Shoes for a Child

    Just $12 will provide a pair of shoes to these school children, often it will be the first pair they have owned. The school principal keeps a register of students and their particular needs, so we are sure they are distributed to the most needy.

Online Gift Certificates

Need a unique gift, complete the form below and we will email you a personalised gift certificate that you can print or email. You will receive a tax deductible receipt and 100% of your donation will be used to purchase your gift.

Payments are processed online using PayPal or Creditcard (Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover or eCheck)

Name *
Email *
Gift is for *
Message *
0 (Max. 150 Characters)
Gift is from *
Gift Certificate for*
New Mum's Kit - $25
New Mum's Kit - $25
Pair of shoes - $12
Pair of shoes - $12
Bicycle - $65
Bicycle - $65
Emergency Food Parcel - $50
Emergency Food Parcel - $50
Mozzie Net - $15
Mozzie Net - $15
Water Well - $225
Water Well - $225
$ 0.00

Payments are processed online using PayPal or Creditcard (Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover or eCheck)

Who we support

Each year Rice for Cambodia supports hundreds of people

Houses Built

Donated Bicycles

Toilets Installed

Water Wells Dug

Bags of Rice