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Christmas Gift Certificates

Do you need to buy someone a Christmas gift and you're not sure what to get them?

Purchase one of our gift certificates and we will email you a personalised gift certificate that you can print or email to someone special in your life.

Gift something truly valuable this Christmas and help us assist the villagers of
Angkor Thom District, Siem Reap, transition to sustainable living.

Order Online Now

  • Gift a Bike


    Gift a bicycle to a child in a village in Cambodia, on your behalf. The bicycle will make it possible for this child to attend school, and will also be much needed transport for the whole family.
  • New Mum's Kit

    New Mum's Kit

    Kit for new Mums in Cambodia. The kit includes baby clothes and blankets, a mattress for baby, baby bottles and soap, all in a bath to wash the new baby. The kits work as a reward for mums attending the health centre, increasing the safe delivery and care during pregnancy, labour and birth.
  • Monthly family food pack
    An Emergency Food Parcel to a very needy family in Cambodia, on your behalf. Imagine the joy and excitement when this is delivered.
  • Mozzie Net

    Mozzie Net

    This is truly a life saving gift. Malaria and Dengue Fever are very prevalent during the wet season in Cambodia. With limited health care these diseases are treacherous to the people living in the villages. Your gift will be presented to a family in need by staff from the Shinta Mani Foundation.
  • Gift of a Water Well

    Water Well

    This gift will change absolutely everything for a family, when we provide a water well. Instead of having to carry water in buckets, they can now drink, wash, cook and grow vegetables with more ease. Local villagers are employed to dig the wells and the Village leaders nominate the families most in need.
  • Gift of Vegie Seeds
    $20 worth of vegetable seeds for a family to grow will enable a family to add nutritious food to their staple diet of rice. Shinta Mani Foundation monitor the progress of the gardens on our behalf.
  • Gift of Shoes
    Just $12 will provide a pair of shoes to these school children, often it will be the first pair they have owned. The school principal keeps a register of students and their particular needs, so we are sure they are distributed to the most needy.

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The Services We Support

Our aim is to work in close cooperation with 2 Cambodian based Non Government Organisations
to improve the lives of the poorest of the poor.

Rice, Food and Clothing

Helping the poorest of the poor with the basics.

House Building

Providing safe and secure housing for families in need.

Medical Supplies

Providing access to quality health services and supplies.

Education and School Books

Giving young people an education to enable them to secure worthwhile employment.

Latest News

Updates and stories from Cambodia

Good things come in two's

They say ‘good things come in two’s’. This week 2 students from Kting Primary were gifted bicycles to enable them to get to school, donated by the Edmond Family. Plus Trethowan Honey donated 2 water...

Von Nark Family

The living conditions for this young family are changing dramatically. Thanks to the generosity of the Hahn Family they now have a toilet, providing safety and comfort. The house in the photo will...

REACH Program

The success of our REACH Program is easy to measure. 29 students happily attending school each day and once a month they deliver a food parcel to their family, smiles all round. 50/50 Club members...

Improving the quality of education

Alongside our efforts in improving the quality of education in our primary schools, our Playgroup encourages expanding horizons with young boys making paper flowers and young girls building...

Smiling Faces

Smiling faces everywhere at Sandan Primary School yesterday. The 29 students in our now long established REACH program received uniforms, backpack and school supplies, getting ready for their 2023...

Life changing support

Dire circumstances found these 3 children living alone and with insufficient food. Life and Hope Association were able to reunite them with their grandparents and Rice For Cambodia has provided an...

Sponsors & Supporters

Without our generous sponsors, Rice for Cambodia would not be able to operate. Please support the companies that support us. Click on any of the logos on the page to visit their respective web site.
We would also like to thank the individuals who make regular donations of not only cash, but their time and services.